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Laundromat Rules

If you leave your laundry in the washing/drying machine even after completing washing/drying, other guests may take it out or your laundry may be lost. Please take out your laundry immediately after completing washing/drying.
As no staff member is place basically in the laundromat, we are not responsible for theft or damage for your laundry.
According to the guidance by public health center, we strictly prohibit bringing diapers or the clothes etc. used by pet animals and washing mats etc. used with your shoes on.
We strictly prohibit bringing in the laundry with extreme strain such as oil/mud etc. and the stuff that pollutes the inside of facilities/equipment.
Please check the inside of the pocket of your clothes again, Pins/lighters etc. may be the cause of damage to your clothes.
Please do not put too much laundry in the machine.
Please do not dry delicate clothes excessively in the drying machine.
Please confirm that foreign bodies are not left in the drum for drying machine.
Otherwise, in the case where you act bothering other guests such as damage to the equipment, we will make you stop using the washing/drying machine immediately.

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